Sunday, April 24, 2005

It's in the Genes

There must be something inherent within the Turner genes that makes all of our children suck their middle two fingers when they are tired.

Here is Abby...


And Hudson.

Abby's First Bike

We bought Abby a bike with her birthday money and here she is on her first bike ride.

She really loved it although she couldn't quite figure out the difference between the peddling and the braking. We'll practice.

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

We have made a Sunday routine to go out on a walk before church. This past Sunday we went and flew a kite. The kids loved being outside running around in all the open space.

Here they are in the great outdoors...

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Pope and the Gospel

Eric Svendsen has a good post on the relationship of the late Pope John Paul II to the truth of the gospel. Many Protestants sadly seem confused. Svendsen is absolutely right to say that nothing good can be said about a man who promoted a false gospel. The Reformers were certainly correct to argue that Rome and the papacy is the antichrist - at least an antichrist.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Abby!

Abby turned three years old today!

She had some friends over for a kitty party

Calvin is one cool cat

And Hudson too!


Monday, April 04, 2005


There are only two types of mothers - those who breastfeed and those who do not. Most non-breastfeeding mothers see those who breastfeed as a little strange. Well they are right!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Missionary warning in Turkey

Monday, March 28, 2005

Missionary activities are not merely religious in nature but are also politically motivated activities aimed at harming social peace among Turks, says Mehmet Aydın, the state minister responsible for religious affairs

ANKARA - Turkish Daily News

Mehmet Aydın, the state minister overseeing the Religious Affairs Directorate, warned yesterday that the propaganda of missionaries in Turkey is a part of politically oriented activities aimed at damaging the social peace and unity of Turkey.

Missionaries are not simply spreading their religion by exercising freedom of belief but are intervening in people's freedom of belief by capitalizing on their ignorance, said Aydın, responding to a parliamentary questionnaire concerning missionary activities in Turkey.

“The goal of those activities is harming the cultural, religious, national and historical unity of the people of Turkey,” Anatolia news agency quoted Aydın as saying. “These are not merely religious activities and they are not only carried out by Christian clerics. We have observed doctors, nurses, engineers, Red Cross officials, human rights defenders, peace activists and language tutors conducting missionary activities.”

Aydın pointed out that the duty of the Religious Affairs Directorate was to enlighten the people and eradicate ignorance, which, he said, created a convenient environment for missionaries to deceive and convert people. “Those activities have a historic background and are carried out in a well-planned manner with political motives,” Aydın added.

Stating that the official number of people recorded as being converted via missionary propaganda is 368, Aydın said that it is impossible to calculate the actual figure since missionary activities are carried out covertly.