Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Buttonwood Beach

We took a long weekend and drove down to DE to visit Mommom and Poppop Leach and on Sunday we were able to drive down to Maryland to visit Mommom and Poppop Harner at Buttonwood. It was the first time at Buttonwood for the kids. They got to take a golf cart ride, "eat" (i.e. feed) the ducks, take a swim at the pool and most importantly visit with Mommom and Poppop Harner.
Mommom & Poppop Leach took the two kids on their first golf cart ride.

Poppop H. and Hudson got to spend some fun time together.

And I had the immense joy of taking the kids into the icy cold pool. Thankfully the day was pretty warm so a splash in the cold water was not that bad.

Abby wasn't really interested in going out into the water. She just hung around the steps and splashed alot.

Calvin was more adventurous. I was also more foolish because sunblock was forgotten. Now I am paying the consequences. The six hour drive home on a sunburned back wasn't very comfortable.

It is always great to visit with Mommom and Poppop. We wish that we could see them more often. We love them very much.

Saturday, August 06, 2005
Hiroshima – 60 years today

Personally, I wrestle back and forth over whether this bombing was justified. Thousands were dying in WWII and an invasion of the Japanese mainland most likely would have brought hundreds of thousands of more deaths. Yet, does the end of the war justify the means used to end it? Is Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified in the lives that were saved? This is the paradox of the atomic weapon. In destroying countless lives, countless others were saved.
Regardless of whether one sees the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as wrong or not, as Christians we must always remember them. We must remember the lives that were lost and we must remember the lives that were saved. Most importantly we must see this event as a reflection of the sinfulness of humanity. Hiroshima is a logical outworking of our wretched condition. Apart from Christ, life is hell. Without a Savior those who are facing eternal damnation will face an eternity of Hiroshimas infinitely worse than anything imaginable. Yet, for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ there is hope even in Hiroshima. Christ is to be found in the despair of this life. And because of his coming into this world there is now hope and life for those who believe.
The message of Hiroshima is one of sin and misery. But the good news of Jesus Christ is that within that sin and misery there is hope and life, even in the midst of Hiroshima.