Merry Christmas
Immanuel, God with us. In the fullness of time God sent his son born of the virgin Mary. The eternal and almight creator took upon himself the form of his creation. God became man. He dwelt amongst his people. He tabernacled with us. He became the Word of God incarnate, deity with humanity.
He came with a purpose. To set the captives free. He came seeking to save those who were lost. Our creator became our redeemer. He lived the perfect life and died the perfect death for our sakes - that those who believe in him might have everlasting life. That is the true meaning of Christmas.
He came with a purpose. To set the captives free. He came seeking to save those who were lost. Our creator became our redeemer. He lived the perfect life and died the perfect death for our sakes - that those who believe in him might have everlasting life. That is the true meaning of Christmas.