Thursday, January 06, 2005

Yates Murder Convictions Overturned!

Andrea Yates, the mother who on June 20, 2001 murdered her five children, had her murder convictions overturned in court today. The court found that because a witness cited a television show that did not exist the murder convictions could not stand.

Amazing is our court system! Yes, they found a total of 19 errors, but are any of these so significant to overturn a murder conviction? Noah, 7, John, 5, Paul, 3, Luke, 2, and 6-month-old Mary, all dead because of their mother. Drowned to death at the hands of the one who brought them forth into this life. And now because of an incorrectly quoted television show she no longer faces a murder conviction. Of course, there are appeals and I hope the court will see this decision for the nonsense which it is.

Regardless of the failings of our judicial system there is surety and hope in knowing that those who commit such acts of murder will one day face the judge of all. Insanity or not, Andrea Yates is responsible for the death of her children. She will be held accountable...


Blogger William E. Turner Jr. said...

Katt, whomever you are?

No doubt the Scripture is clear that God is a God of love. Yet Scripture is equally clear that there are consequences for sin. Andrea Yates, was deemed, by a jury, as fully competent and aware of her crimes. She knew what she was doing. She did not just murder five children - she meticulously took each child one by one and drowned them in a bathtub - holding down their little writhing bodies to keep them under so that they would die.

I fully agree that this is mental illness. Mental illness is from Adam's fall into sin. This can be nothing but mental illness because such a crime is sick and terrible. In fact, I lack the adjectives to describe just how warped and corrupted she was in killing her children.

Does having a mental illness excuse her from this sin? By no means. This is where the court system parts wide and far from the Bible. God's word says that sin is ugly, disgusting, and devastating and also that sin has consequences. That consequence for Andrea Yates should be the death penalty. The Bible says that if you take a life your life must also be taken (Genesis 9:6).

Can she find hope and forgiveness in Christ? By all means and I sincerely pray that she does. But does this exclude the consequences of her sin? Not a chance.

11:24 PM  

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