Monday, January 31, 2005
Time Magazine's 25 Most Influential Evangelicals
Thanks Jared.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Thursday, January 27, 2005
A Cemetery with No Graves

The battle we now wage is one of remembrance. Let us not forget Hitler, let us not forget Birkenau, and let us not forget the million plus Jews and others who died in Nazi Death Camps.
Let me recommend three books which you should read to help remember Auschwitz. First, there is Elie Wiesel's personal account of his time in the death camps. This book is simply called Night. It is a harrowing and emotional tale of one young boy's life in Auschwitz. Secondly, there is The Origins of the Final Solution by Christopher R. Browning, which highlights the background and philosophical thinking behind the Holocaust. Lastly, there is an excellent work (although technical) called Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp. This work is an edited collection of various articles which range in topic from broad overviews to detailed analysis of Josef Mengele's experiments on children. All are sobering works which help remind us of the horror of the Holocaust.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Well, at about 11:00 last night Sarah and I were just about too retire to bed. I had just taken off my glasses and I noticed something hanging from our blinds on the window across from our bed.

Yep, that's a bat! A pretty big one too. I think it was a fruit bat because if I remember correctly they are the largest and are also more brown in color.
Well, one of the benefits of being the man in the house is to have my wife quietly but quickly (and fearfully) exit the room and close the door behind her. Yes, folks, it was just me and the bat. We were alone to face our respective destinies. The battle was gruesome, it was long and fought hard. But within two solid strokes (and many quick frenzied ones) the bat was felled. Unfortunately, in my unbriddled agression I also managed to shatter one of the window panes. Collateral Damage.
Here I am with my conquered enemy.

Should We Use Creeds?
This is a letter written in 1826 by Silas Noel, an early Baptist, on the use and lawfulness of creeds. I transcribed it from a copy of the original letter. It has not been edited.
Silas Noel (1783-1839)
To the churches composing the Franklin Association,
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Standing fast in one spirit with one mind, speaking the same thing – of one accord, of one heart, and of one soul – acknowledging one Lord, possessing one faith, practicing one baptism – speaking the truth in love, growing up into him in all things which is the head even Christ – making one body in [?] – not one in name or theory only, but one in their religious [?]ence, one in their views of the plan of salvation; animated and encouraged by the same hope while observing and practicing the same duties. Such is the unity and symmetry of the Church of Jesus Christ as described by the pen of inspiration. In the annual address we propose to consider this question. Is it lawful and expedient, to adhere to a Creed, particularly in the admission of candidates into office?
Creeds formed or enforced by the civil authority, are usurpations, leading to persecution and to despotism; while those formed by voluntary associations of Christians, enforced by no higher penalty or sanction, than exclusion from membership in the society are not only lawful, but necessary, in the present state of the religious world. To deny to any religious society the privilege of expressing their views of the Bible in their own words and phrases, and of denying admission to those who reject their views is a violent interference with the rights of conscience – it is tyranny – It is to subjugate the many. With all their interest, right, and happiness, to the dictation of one or a few – the very essence of tyranny.
By a creed we mean an epitome, or summary exhibition of what the scriptures teach. Are we to admit members into the church and into office, are we to license and ordain preachers, without enquiring for their creed? Shall we ask them no question in regard to principles, or doctrines? Shall we receive license and ordain candidates, upon a general profession of faith in Christ; requiring of them this only, that they agree to take the Bible for their guide? Can we do this and still expect to preserve the unity, purity and peace of the Church?
There are but two methods of admitting members into church, and into office. It must be done either with or without respect to a Creed – We cannot conceive of any third method. If the church rejects a candidate because he holds Sabellian, Arian, or Socinian principles, she then has respect to a Creed. She insists upon her own interpretations of the Bible, upon fundamental points. She does not deny him the liberty of interpreting the Bible for himself; this would be usurpation – it would be tyranny. But while he condemns and reviles her views of the Bible, she claims to herself the right of denying to him her fellowship. She tells him, that her interpretations of the Bible, touching doctrines, considered cardinal are settled. In other words, that her creed is fixed, and that his hostility to these well settled principles, disqualifies him fro membership in her body. If this be an unwarrantable exercise of power, the result is inevitable, that the Church is constrained to receive into her bosom, and cherish with her fellowship, those whom she must esteem her worst enemies; the enemies of truth. Yes without respect to a Creed, she is reduced to the cruel necessity, of harboring under her wings, the vilest heresies that now disgrace the Christian name. Can she do this and incur no guilt? Can she do this and yet preserve her unity, purity, and harmony? Can a Church, a New Testament Church, keeping the unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace and love, be found in that miserable Babel composed of Trinitarians, Unitarianism, Hutchinsonians, Universal Restorationsists, Rellyn Universalists, Destrovetionists, Swedenborgians, Mystics, Dunkers, Jumpers, Shakers, and all others who profess to take the Bible for their guide? Is there communion between light and darkness, fellowship between righteousness and unrighteousness, concord between Christ and Belial?
If the modern adversaries of all creeds and confessions, should say, that they will not go thus far, that they will not admit into the church, and mush less into the ministry, or rather the bishops office, one holding Socinian principles, they evidently yield the question. They admit that in the present state of things, it is not lawful and expedient to have a Creed. They cease to oppose the principle of requiring subscription to a creed or they merely oppose in theory, what they adopt in practice. For if they can make one article to exclude a Socinian, they may make another to exclude the Arian, and a third to exclude the Pelagian, and a fourth to exclude the Arminian, etc., adding article to article, until they get as many as they conceive the exigencies of the church requires. We have not forgotten, that one of our own churches not long ago, in her wrath against all creeds, protested against the Confession of Faith, with its thirty-four articles, but shortly afterwards made one for herself with articles and published it. A memorable instance of anti-creed inconsistency, of which she herself became quickly convinced, and honestly retraced her steps, but no without injury. It is one thing to oppose the principle of requiring a subscription, to a summary of leading principles; it is quite a different thing to oppose the principles contained in that summary. And those who would refuse membership, or office, to a Socinian or Universalists, do by their act, admit the necessity of a creed; and in reviling this principle they revile themselves. If they regard consistency and truth, they will no longer denounce what they are pleased to term “an odious array of creeds and confessions.” They will no longer be found associated with Latitudenarians and Heretics, who have been the implacable foes of confessions in every age of the church, from her infancy to this day. They will cased to despise a remedy, merely because it has not healed every malady, cured every disorder. For the same reason they might pour contempt upon the Holy Bible. They will cease to fight against Scripture, Sense, and Reason – against the experience of the church of God, in all ages, which speaks volumes upon this subject. Before the adversaries of creeds can boast of having gained any thing in this controversy, it devolves upon them to do, what we apprehend cannot easily be donel they must exhibit some method, scriptural and practicable, or excluding corruption from the Church, without a creed. It is in vain to say, that the Bible is sufficient for that purpose; for these corruptions grow out of false and spurious interpretations, of the Bible. And according to their plan, each one is allowed to interpret for himself; to place his own constructions upon the Scriptures. It denies to the Church, the right to interfere in these “matters of conscience.” Their Church can only concern with the actions or morals, not with the faith or principles of its members and Bishops. Whether they be sound or unsound in the faith, is a question upon their plan, reserved for the day of judgment. In such a church, there surely will be found unity and purity, worthy of all admiration and great harmony too, flowing from that charity which throws her mantle over multitudes of errors, great and small.
We do not propose to enquire, how long, or how short, a church covenant, or creed shall be. Nor will we examine, now, into the merits or defects of any existing summary of Faith. These questions do not enter into the present controversy. Is it lawful and expedient for a church to adopt any articles of Faith, whatever, as a test of union and a fence against corruption? This is the enquiry to which the attention of the Christian world, has been recently summoned, and to which we respond.
We are not concerned to enquire, whether this creed, should be written or unwritten; whether it should be registered only in the minds of the members, or for greater certainty, recorded. Our practice evinces that we are not disposed to leave a matter so essential, to the well being of a church, to the uncertain recollections, to the vague and every varying impressions of individuals. An nuncupative creed, is not calculated to quiet disturbances, or to exclude corruption. If we use a religious test, at all, we should be honest and independent enough, to avow it: and to exhibit its principles, in our pulpit ministrations, as a tribute to truth and candor, which every Christian church, owes to other churches, and to the world around her.
Our confessions are human productions, they may all require revision, and be susceptible of amendment; but to erase them from out books, our memory and our practice, is to make a tremendous leap, a leap into chaos; into the awful vortex of Unitarianism.
It has been said, that to adopt a creed as a religious test, “is to supercede the Bible, and to make a human composition instead of it, a standard of Faith. That when we do this, we offer a public indignity to the sacred volume, as we virtually declared either, that it is not infallible or not sufficient.” In reply to this we use the language of a distinguished divine, who in a few words has exposed its fallacy, and swept it from the arena of ecclesiastical controversy. “The whole argument which this objection presents, is founded on a false assumption. No Protestant ever professed to regard his creed, considered as a human composition, as of equal authority with the Scriptures, and far less as of paramount authority. Every principle of this kind, is with one voice disclaimed by all the creeds, and defenses of creeds, that have appeared in ancient, or modern times, so far as we are informed. And whether, notwithstanding this, the constant repetition of the charge, ought to be considered as fair argument or gross calumny, the impartial will judge. A Church creed professes to be deduced from the Scriptures, and to refer to the Scriptures, for the whole of its authority. Of course when any one subscribes to it, he is so far from dishonoring the Bible, that he does public homage to it. He simply declares by a solemn act. How he understands the Bible, in other words, what doctrines he considers it as containing. In short, the language of an orthodox believer, in subscribing his ecclesiastical creed, is simply of the following import:
While the Socinian professes to believe the Bible, and to understand it as teaching the mere humanity of Christ; while the Arian professes to receive the same Bible, and to find in it the Savior represented as the most exalted of all creatures, but still a creature; while the Pelagian and Semi-Pelagian, make similar profession of their general belief in the Scriptures, and interpret them as teaching a doctrine far more favorable to human nature, and far less honoring to the grace of God, than they appear to me really to teach.
I beg the privilege of declaring for myself, that while I believe with all my heart, that the Bible is the word of God, the only perfect rule of faith and manners, and the only ultimate test in all controversies; it plainly teaches as I read and believe, the deplorable and total depravity of human nature; the essential divinity of the Savior; a Trinity of persons in the Godhead; justification by the imputed righteousness of Christ; and regeneration and sanctification by the Holy Spirit as indispensable to prepare the soul for heaven. These I believe to be the radical truths which God hath revealed in his word, and whiles they are denied by some, and frettered away, or perverted y others, who profess to believe that blessed word, I am verily persuaded, they are the fundamental principles, of the plan of salvation.
Is there in all this language any thing dishonorable to the Bible, anything that tends to supercede its authority, or to introduce a rule, or a tribunal, of paramount authority? Is there not on the contrary, in the whole language and spirit of such a declaration, an acknowledgement of God’s word, as of ultimate and supreme authority; and an expression of belief in certain doctrines simply and only because they are believed to be revealed in that word? If this be dishonoring the Scriptures, or setting up a standard above them, there is an end of all meaning either of words or actions.
But still, we are asked, “if the Scriptures are not plain and easy to be understood? Can we make them plainer than the author has done? Why hold a candle to the sun, etc.?” This objection amounts to nothing, while the fact remains undisputed, that thousands who profess to receive the Scriptures, by their false and spurious glosses, do virtually deny the radical doctrines contained therein. The lamentable fact that the enemy (even now) some in like a flood and it devolves upon every religious society who would bear witness to the truth, the imperious duty of lifting up a standard for truth.
Let those who oppose the use of creeds, answer these questions. Has the head of the Church made no qualifications necessary for the admission of members into the Church? Has he made no qualifications necessary for admission into office? Has he established no tribunal on earth to judge of these qualifications? Is an Arian, Socinian or Universalist, qualified for either membership or office? Can it be said, they are not without respect to a creed? Strip the point in issue of all the tawdry guise, which the ingenuity of modern ties has cast over it, and there is scarcely room for controversy. The common sense of every man, revolts at the idea of assembling in the same church, and around the same board, everything that now bears the name of Christian; many bear it, who consider the worship of Christ abominable idolatry; whom an Apostle would pronounce accurse; whom he would not suffer you to receive into your houses, or bid God speed. Even in his day there were some who preached another Gospel, and there are many such yet. Are you to welcome these into your communion? Has the Spirit of inspiration, any where suggested that the Church of Jesus Christ, is made up of this mixed assemblage; this heterogeneous group of conflicting elements? Is this the body of Christ fitly joined together and compacted? And what becomes of those heresies, which the Apostle pronounced damnable? Must these too, be embraced and cherished in your fellowship, and affections? Must those who maintain the true Gospel, walk together in Church fellowship with those who are accursed for preaching another gospel, and who espouse damnable heresies? Is this the New Testament plan? If you say, (as doubtless you will,) that it is not; that such a Society would not be the Church of Christ – the result is this “If there be any divine warrant for a Church (in this day,) there is a divine warrant for a Creed, as a test of union, a bond of fellowship, a fence against error, and a shield against that spirit of restless innovation, which esteems every novelty, an improvement.” What shall be its dimensions, its height, or depth, its length or breadth, is not now the topic of enquiry. But one thing is certain, it should be large enough to meet the exigencies of the Church, by preserving her, while in the wilderness, exposed to trials, in peace, purity and love. And it should be small enough, to find a lodgment in the heart, of the weakest lamb, sound in the faith. When we cease to hold fast our form of sounds words, we cease to strive together for the faith of the Gospel, we cease to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. The churches of Jesus Christ, who would shine as lights in the world, amidst the darkness of surrounding corruptions, must exhibit to the eyes of each other, and all around, that good confession. Which they are commanded to profess before many witnesses. Upon this interesting subject, the history of near eighteen centuries should admonish us. To live as a society without a confession of faith has been often attempted – but we have yet to be informed of the first instance of its succeeding. We understand that the congregational churches of Massachusetts, have made the dangerous experiment, and like those who have embarked before them in the same presumptuous enterprise they have fallen a prey to dissention and heresy, to a degree equally instructive and mournful.
Some suppose that a new order of things is about to open on the church, bringing as great a change as ever marked the progress of the Redeemer’s kingdom, in any preceding age. In this new and undefined prospect they seem to themselves, to see the approaching prostration of most of those fences, and the dissolution of most of those ties, which have heretofore been regarded as indispensable, for the maintenance of unity and harmony in the family of Christ. We consider it time enough, to provide for this new order of things, when it shall arrive. Were all religious societies, to give unto that quixotic scheme, which proposes to assemble and to amalgamate them into one church, while they retain their various conflicting and opposite views of the Bible, the era would be new, unprecedented and unparalleled. But who, or what could dwell, in this non-descript community? It is possible, that genuine Arianism, which believes in two God’s a great and a lesser one; in two Creator’s, one supreme, and the other subordinate, might dwell there. That modern Unitarianism, the votaries of which, affect to call themselves, “rational Christians,” who deny our Lord’s divinity, and the distinct personal existence of the Holy Ghost; the doctrines of original sin, and the atonement; who discard the belief of the miraculous conception, and the worship of Christ, in which they outstrip the Tuscan Apostle, Faustus Socinus himself. These might dwell there, and Socinianism of the lowest dye, which ridicules the very idea of the existence and agency of the Devil; of the spirituality and separate existence of the soul; of an intermediate state between death, and the general resurrection; and of the eternity of future punishment: all this might dwell there. And even the disciples of Robert Sandeman, who believe that the whole benefit of the work, finished by Christ in his death, is conveyed to men only, by the Apostolic report concerning it, that everyone who understands this report to be true or is persuaded that the event actually happened, as testified by the Apostles, is justified and finds relief to his guilty conscience. That he is relieved by finding their report to be true: than the event itself, which is reported, becomes his relief, so soon as it stands true in his own mind that all the divine power which operates on the minds of men, either to give the first relief to their consciences, or to influence them in every part of their obedience to the gospel, is persuasive power, or the forcible conviction of truth; and of [?] they have no use for the Holy spirit in this business. All these might possibly dwell there; those who has made shipwreck of the faith; those tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine; those who consider erroneous views of the plan of salvation quite innocent or unimportant, who have sunk into a state of sinning indifference to gospel truth and suppose all contending for its essential and distinguishing doctrines, are less or perhaps criminal, all these may be found there. But what conscience Christian who has received the truth as it is in Jesus who scorns to compromise away his principles, would aspire to a name and a place in this church without Christ: this Babel confederacy.
Beloved Brethren – Be ye steadfast, unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord; be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, by a continual reliance on him for protection, support and assistance; put on the whole armor of God, which in the fullness of Christ, and in the graces of the Spirit is provided for every believer, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. By prayerful, vigilant, ardent and persevering efforts labor to strengthen and draw closer the bonds of union; strive to hold on your way turning neither to the right hand, nor to the left, esteeming it your highest honor and happiness to be employed as humble instruments in building up that kingdom, which is from generation to generation. Pray for the coming and enlargement of God’s kingdom, for when it shall be fully come, the whole earth shall be filled with its glory; wars shall cease unto the ends of the earth, the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole Heaven’s shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. Then shall the bride, the lamb’s wife, look forth as the morning clear as the sun, fain as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners. She shall come out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, leaning upon her beloved and shall dwell in peace. Till then she must try the spirits, while sailing through seas of conflict and tribulation. Brethren, let us be admonished and encouraged by the voice of the spirit unto the churches, These things saith the first and the last, which was dead and is alive; I know thy works, tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich,) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things, which thou shalt suffer. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of lie.
N.B. The writer suggested, that he was indebted to Dr. Miller; for some of the leading views in this letter, expressed in his own language.
January 27, 1945
Monday, January 24, 2005
- 20
Sunday, January 23, 2005
February 6, 2005
Winter Blues
Superbowl Bound!
Turkey tops global anti-Bush list
A BBC survey conducted in 21 countries ahead of U.S. President George W. Bush's second-term inauguration revealed the majority believed his re-election made the world a more dangerous place, with anti-Bush feelings running highest in Turkey.
Some 82 percent of Turks surveyed by the BBC World Service said they believed Bush's re-election in November would imperil yet further global security. The survey's findings reflected the strained Turkish-U.S. ties concerning Iraq and the Turkish criticism of U.S. policy there. Latin American countries followed Turkey in the list with Argentina ranking second at 79 percent and Brazil at 78 percent taking third place.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Revolution in Evolution
Chiseling away at evolution one fossil at a time...
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Hudson Alone...

For those interested here is a bio on J. Hudson Taylor, the one from whom our Hudson receives his name.
Will the EU ever permit Turkey to join its ranks?
This article is a fascinating look at Europe's relationship with Turkey. It is written by a Muslim who I believe is correct on a lot of issues. This battle is a clash of civilizations which will not be so easily defeated by changing a few policies in order to gain entrance into the EU. There remains a radical worldview difference between the West and Islam. This worldview clash is not going to change anytime soon.
By Abid Mustafa
Al-Jazeerah, January 16, 2005
On Sunday 19th of December 2004, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said,” The European Union's decision to extend membership talks with Turkey contributes to the Muslim country's stability and gives it a new position in Europe and the Islamic world.” The move was also welcomed by Tony Blair who said, “We are stating a fundamental principle that the fact Turkey is a Muslim country does not mean it should be barred from Europe. On the contrary, if it fulfils the same principles of human rights, then Muslim and Christian can work together.” The US holds a similar view and regards Turkey as an ideal model of Muslim democracy. However, earlier Valery Giscard d'Estaing, the former French president said bluntly that the entry of Turkey, as an Islamic and mostly Asian power, would spell "the end of Europe". The majority of EU members share Giscard concerns and are weary of 70 million Muslims joining Europe.
The disagreements between EU states over Turkey’s membership talks have overshadowed the entrance criteria stipulated by the EU for Turkey’s eventual admission into the Europe’s premier club. European Union’s insistence on Turkey undergoing extensive political and economic reforms, plus Turkey’s recognition of the Republic of Cyprus will not determine the course of Turkey’s relationship with the EU. Instead, future relations between the two will be chiefly decided by two factors.
The first is the ‘clash of civilisations’ and is pretty obvious to politicians as well as the peoples of both Europe and Turkey that this clash is inevitable and ongoing. Giscard’s remarks are not only echoed by fellow politicians, but are widely shared amongst the populations of Britain, France, Germany and several other countries. There is a deep sense of Islamaphobia which has swept the region and rekindled past memories of the Ottoman Caliphate dominating the affairs of Europe. Equally, the Muslims of Turkey are opposed to joining the EU. They fear that they will be stripped of their Islamic identity and forced to adopt western values. For example EU’s chastisement over Turkey’s plan to outlaw adultery was quickly reversed by Ankara. This angered many Turks and only heightened their anxiety that Europe was intentionally targeting Islamic values.
This in part is born out of the climate of fear produced by America’s war on Islam and in part is due to the centuries old conflict between Christendom and Islam. This polarisation in attitudes is impossible to overcome, unless the ideological differences between the two cultures are debated and settled. To proceed in the absence of such a dialogue will only result in failure, no matter what progress is made towards achieving the political and economic goals set out by the EU.
The second is that Europe has failed miserably to accommodate its own Muslim populations, so what are the odds that it can successfully manage the inclusion of 70 million Turks. Take the example of Britain. Muslims are the most socially deprived ethnic group. In October 2004 the Guardian newspaper reported: ’Muslims had the highest rate of unemployment, the poorest health, the most disability and fewest educational qualifications. In most respects Muslim women fared worse than Muslim men.’ Muslims in France and Germany fair much worse. The banning of the hijab, the random interrogation of young Muslims and the withholding of citizenship spearhead the discriminatory acts perpetrated by these states against Muslims. Add to this, the reluctance of the European powers to intervene and protect Muslims of Bosinia and Kosovo speaks volumes about Europe’s attitude towards Muslims living on its shores. In European minds, the above examples only reinforce the idea that Muslims and Islam are incompatible with secularism.
It is hard to believe that the current clash between the West and Islam, and the injustices committed by Europeans towards their own Muslim populace has escaped the attention of Gul. If Gul is serious about Turkey occupying a new position in the Muslim world then the very least he can do is to stand firm against Europe’s oppression of its Muslim populace. This can be achieved by Turkey demanding a significant improvement in their circumstances as a precursor to any talks between Turkey and the EU. Such a bold gesture would dramatically increase Turkey’s standing in the Muslim world. Thereafter, Gul should dwell profoundly on Turkey’s past in order to discover how the present Turkey can occupy a new position in Europe. He would quickly conclude that only in Islam and under the shade of the Khilafah state did Turkey occupy a pre-eminent position amongst the nations of the world. Back then, the oppressed Europeans used to yearn for the justice of the Khilafah State and longed to become a part of it. Did not the people of Constantinople implore sultan Mohammed to liberate them from the tyranny of Constantine?
Abid Mustafa lives and works in the UK. He graduated from King’s College London University.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
A Father's Hope

Turkey claims stronger debt position after fall in interest rates
ANKARA, Jan 14 (AFP) - Turkey said Friday it had increased control over its hefty debt burden after a significant fall in interest rates last year thanks to a strict economic recovery programme backed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
"In 2004, we adhered to the economic programme with determination and gave no concessions on fiscal policy ... There are no longer any concerns on debt rollover," Economy Minister Ali Babacan told a press conference here.
The minister said that the internal borrowing rate on the local currency had gone down to an average of 24.7 percent in 2004 compared to an average of 62.7 percent in 2002 when the country was struggling with its worst recession in decades.
Turkey has since made considerable improvement under a programme of far-reaching reforms in return for a 16-billion-dollar loan from the IMF.
"Interest rates in secondary markets have decreased to below 20 percent. These rates are the lowest in the history of the Turkish treasury. They constitute a record," Babacan said.
According to preliminary figures, Turkey's total borrowing in 2004 stood at 159.5 billion New Turkish Liras -- or YTL -- (about 117 billion dollars, 90 million euros).
Its total debt service, meanwhile, was at 183.9 billion YTL.
The proportion of the total gross debt in the consolidated budget to gross domestic product was expected to come in at 74.5 percent, 4.8 percentage points less than the figure for 2003.
The proportion of the net public debt to GDP, meanwhile, was expected to be around 64-65 percent, about 6.5 percentage points less than the figure in 2003.
Babacan said the treasury was planning on total borrowing of 172.6 billion YTL and total debt service of 200.3 billion YTL in 2005.
"In 2005, we will continue to work towards the target of decreasing the cost of borrowing and extending maturity," he said.
In a bid to strenghten its economic recovery, Turkey last month completed talks on a new stand-by deal with the IMF worth 10 billion dollars.
The deal is expected to be approved by the IMF board once Ankara sends to parliament three key draft laws regarding financial services, social security and tax administration.
Friday, January 14, 2005
Just the Facts
The school district in responding to the parental outcry placed a sticker on the textbooks which read: "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered."
Dr. Kenneth Miller, the author of the textbook, has argued that such a sticker confuses its readers. "What it tells students is that we're certain of everything else in this book except evolution." Well, I must here agree in part with Dr. Miller. If you say that just evolution is a theory there is bound to be confusion between what is just fact and what is actually theory.
Yet, I agree with those parents that evolution is not a fact of science. It is only a theory of science. Better yet, it is a worldview. The belief (!) in evolution requires a complete and entire worldview. Evolution is a worldview system which cannot be separated and dissected. Evolution is not just a mere theory about how the world began but a complex idea which strikes at the heart and soul of life. If one believes in evolution than one's answer to such questions as the purpose and meaning of life will be shaped and molded by their belief in evolution.
On the corollary, those whose worldview is shaped by the Bible, have a completely differect frame of mind. This battle is not about the beginning of the world. It is much bigger than that! The battle is about the very nature, purpose, and meaning of life. It is a battle between two competing worldviews.
About a year and a half ago I reviewed Phillip Johnson's helpful, Darwin on Trial. His basic thesis is that evolution is a worldview in competition with Christianity. Therefore, this evolutionary worldview colors all the facts. He is dead on. Here is the review I wrote entitled, Neo-Darwinism at the Bar of Reason:
Phillip Johnson has taken Darwinian evolution to court and the verdict rendered is guilty. He argues incisively that Darwinism cannot be verified by the empirical evidence. Therefore the very foundation of Darwinism is not rooted in science but a philosophy of naturalism. It is this worldview of naturalism, which colors all the evidence and provides the shaky foundation for Darwinian science.
Darwinists have a healthy corner on the market of science by being the very ones who define science in their favor. They argue that the most basic characteristic of science is reliance upon naturalistic explanations. Any appeal to the supernatural or transcendent by definition is excluded. Any form of theistic creationism is therefore excluded. Such a theory of theistic creation is viewed by scientists as non-science and by many as non-sense. The deck has been clearly stacked against theism.
Johnson's main task in Darwin on Trial is to show that the conflict is not between science and non-science, but between two competing worldviews. There is naturalism, which by definition excludes all forms of the divine, and there is the worldview of theism that argues for a God who created all things. It is this worldview clash, which is at the heart of the evolution debate.
Johnson surveys the scientific evidence offered for evolution and finds it wanting. He deals with natural selection, mutation theory, and the fossil record, the vertebrate sequence, molecular evidence and prebiological evolution. He then examines the philosophical underpinnings of evolutionary theory and argues that evolution as fact is hinged upon philosophy and not science. It is a philosophical theory, which uses science only for minimal confirmation. The philosophical worldview of evolution colors all the empirical "confirming" evidence, which is used to verify the "truth" of Darwinism.
The importance of Darwin on Trial is to show that the debate over evolution is a worldview clash. The empirical evidence still needs to be examined and debated, but no longer can either side claim absolute objectivity in interpreting the evidence. Interpretation is filtered through one's worldview and all scientists are required to acknowledge their worldview whether it is naturalistic or theistic.
Darwin on Trial is accessible for both scientists and non-scientists. It is an enjoyable read as Johnson is astute in pointing out the many fallacies of Darwinian thought. On more than one occasion you are left in shock that a highly educated scientist such as Gould or Dawkins would make such logically fallacious statements. Johnson also provides a response to his critics as an appendix in the second edition. He responds to Stephen Jay Gould, Michael Ruse and many others who have attempted to debunk his book.
If you are new to the debate or just want to freshen up this is a great place to start. The only major criticism I have is that there are no footnotes (only research notes in the back of the book). The documentation is there but a bit hard to follow at times. Other than this small criticism Phillip Johnson's Darwin on Trial steers a helpful course in the murky waters of evolutionary science.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Putin Sets $25Bln Goal for Trade With Turkey
Trade between Russia and Turkey could more than double to $25 billion by 2007 from $10 billion in 2004, Russian President Vladimir Putin said after talks with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday. "I agree with the forecast that bilateral trade volume could reach $15 billion in 2005 and $25 billion in 2007. I think we can achieve this," Putin told a Moscow gathering with Erdogan and accompanying Turkish businessmen, attended by reporters. Russia is Turkey's second-largest foreign trade partner, with bilateral trade now standing at $10 billion. Compared with the first half of 2003, bilateral trade rose by 60 percent in the first half of 2004, reaching $4.6 billion. Putin said talks would focus on improving cooperation in energy, transport, social welfare, and arms. "There should be opportunities to widen our military-technological cooperation internationally and in the region," Erdogan said. Erdogan also was scheduled to meet with Russian business representatives and attend the opening of a Turkish trade center. Some 600 Turkish business executives accompanied him to Moscow, Erdogan said, and more were set to arrive later in the day. A recently built pipeline carries Russian natural gas beneath the Black Sea to Turkey, which relies on Russia for some two-thirds of its gas. Gazprom is interested in projects for gas storage and more extensive distribution in Turkey. Turkish companies are active in Russia's booming construction, retail and brewing industries, while its Mediterranean resorts are a favorite among richer Russians, whose visits have fostered familiarity between the traditional foes. But Turkey's control over the Bosporus -- the water route that connects the Black Sea and the Mediterranean -- has been a sore point. Turkey says increasing Russian oil tanker traffic through the strait is hazardous, while Russia says delays cost its exporters hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Putin also said that Russia will back efforts by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to end the division of Cyprus, dropping a previous objection. "We do not think that the economic isolation of northern Cypriots is fair," he said. |
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Turkish News & Evangelism
In Turkey's 3 major cities (Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir) 54,500 New Testaments were distributed by Alo Dua over Christmas. Today, a four page full-color article came out about the Alo Dua Prayer Center in a popular magazine. Our pictures, and pictures of Turks who have come to the Lord through Alo Dua are there. This morning, the magazine was featured on T.V. with a cover picture of Ian praying for people.
With the NTs going out on the streets in Turkey and your prayer support - there is a big stir going on here in Turkey. This was started when the former President's wife and the former President made their comments.
Aksam Newspaper: Bulent Ecevit, the former President commented, ".And now they are even giving out free New Testaments to the public in the center of Ankara (Turkey's capital)."
Milliyet Newspaper: Missionary activity is increasing! Rahsan Ecevit said "Missionaries are moving forward quickly these days. but what disturbs me is that many Muslim countrymen are on the path of leaving their beliefs, or becoming Christians. We are losing our religion. We will soon be wearing crosses from our skullcaps." <>
Other newspapers have followed suit, and are entering the debate. At least 10 newspapers have carried stories about Alo Dua and the NT distribution. We have been on TV and radio as well. There are many articles on the internet. The exciting thing is that many interested people are phoning and emailing. We are receiving multiplied curses and threats and Islamic prayers everyday over the phone and internet . The Prayer Hotline phones are ringing.
We do not want to be presumptuous about the need for prayer at this point, and do not want to overload you with the request for prayer.
However, Alo Dua and the New Testament Distribution has been in the media, and the debate has broadened to the topic of foreign workers and proselytizing, and so we are asking for increased prayer vigils at this point. We know that many of you have stood with us over the years, and we want to see a mighty wave of Turks repenting - just as the former President's wife fears.
Merhaba Newspaper says: Explosive reaction about missionary activity! They are distributing thousands of New Testaments in the center of town.
Haber Turk: A representative of the Religious Affairs Department said, "We are under serious internal and external threat. Missionaries have a budget of $200 million and are giving 3 million NTs out a year. Whereas the Religious Affairs Department has a grave personnel shortage in that 23,542 of our mosques have no religious teachers."
Hurriyet Newspaper: But according to the Constitution, everyone has freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. Everyone also has the freedom to meet together to worship. "Freedom to change religion." is also included.
Sabah Newspaper: NT Distribution and Kicking Protest! A parliamentarian arrived with TV cameras to the Alo Dua stand in Ankara. They overturned the stand and began to shout slogans.
Vakit Newspaper: Christianity to us - our nation to them. Missionaries came to our nation and taught us to pray. We closed our eyes and learned how to pray. When we opened our eyes - Christianity became ours and our nation went to the missionaries.
Ankara News: The missionaries have distributed 600,000 NTs since the 24th and will reach the 1 million mark by the 31st. The Saglik Is Sendikasi is distributing Korans on the street in protest to the Alo Dua New Testament distribution.
Zaman Newspaper: If we knew our religion, missionaries would be no threat to us.
Yenicag Newspaper: Beautiful girls are giving out NTs in Istanbul. They approach our young men with a smile and hand them a New Testament.
We hope this has drawn a picture for you of how necessary it is for you to be involved in praying, because our Lord Jesus wants the glory for His Name. He wants the lost to come in. And for Turkey to not be "the largest unreached nation in the world" (Operation World). Please pray for extreme wisdom, protection for Alo Dua in Istanbul, Ankara, and
Monday, January 10, 2005
Turkey Encourages Assyrian Christians to Return under EU Pressure
Dating back to the time of World War I, Assyrian civilians lived in their ancestral homeland in South-East Turkey. Geographically, the region is very close to the ancient "Nineveh". According to the Bible, Jonah was sent by God to this city to proclaim the message of God, later all the Ninevites immediately repented and turned to Him. Therefore, Assyrians began adopting Christianity in the first century AD, 600 years before the region was conquered by Arab Muslims.
As the Assyrian Christians had defied the Turkish authorities and had always maintained their independence, a programme of Massacres and exiles was carried out in 1915. Millions of Assyrian children, men and women were tortured and massacred or expelled from their homes by the Muslim Turks and Kurds for being Christian.
Just a few years ago, the tiny Assyrian Christian community in southeastern Turkey was caught in the middle of fighting between Turkish troops and Kurdish rebels. The Assyrians are mostly neutral between the government and the Kurdish rebels, but neutrality has made others suspicious of them.
Many Assyrian Christians have became unemployed, therefore many of them emigrate to Germany, Switzerland and other European countries. The number of Christians in the region has reduced to around 4,000 at most. In Haberli, where around 75 families lived 30 years ago, nowadays only about 20 families remain.
An EU report in October said "very few" Assyrians have returned due to harassment by pro-government Kurdish militiamen and paramilitary police.
According to the Associated Press, a sign at the entrance to Haberli for Assyrian Christian proclaims that "The motherland is a whole and cannot be divided - a tacit warning to Kurdish rebels and anyone else seeking separate status."
Turkey, which faces European pressure to return displaced villagers to the region and to grant more rights to minorities, is encouraging thousands of Assyrians to come back, and dozens have returned, Assyrians say. Governor Osman Gunes' visit to Assyrian towns and monasteries underlined the new spirit.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
More Pictures of Hudson
Baptist Church of Northville
Tomorrow, Sunday, Hudson will be coming home.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Hudson William Turner!

Mama's boy! Sarah was great, but if you are interested in her "labor story" I will let her tell you! :)

We have been prepping Abby & Calvin for weeks. It paid off! Abby was great with Hudson. She loved holding him and "petting" him just like her kitty.

Occassionally Calvin was ready to begin wrestling with his little brother but he was also very gentle and loving.

Abby is now in the minority... Calvin is no longer the baby... And Mama just got a whole lot busier!

Thursday, January 06, 2005
Yates Murder Convictions Overturned!
Andrea Yates, the mother who on June 20, 2001 murdered her five children, had her murder convictions overturned in court today. The court found that because a witness cited a television show that did not exist the murder convictions could not stand.
Amazing is our court system! Yes, they found a total of 19 errors, but are any of these so significant to overturn a murder conviction? Noah, 7, John, 5, Paul, 3, Luke, 2, and 6-month-old Mary, all dead because of their mother. Drowned to death at the hands of the one who brought them forth into this life. And now because of an incorrectly quoted television show she no longer faces a murder conviction. Of course, there are appeals and I hope the court will see this decision for the nonsense which it is.
Regardless of the failings of our judicial system there is surety and hope in knowing that those who commit such acts of murder will one day face the judge of all. Insanity or not, Andrea Yates is responsible for the death of her children. She will be held accountable...
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Hamme's in Thailand
Dear Friends,
We are very grateful for the large amount of inquiries as to our well-being since the catastrophic events stemming from the mega-earthquake that hit south of Sumatra on Dec. 26. Since we live in N. Thailand, we were quite far from where the killer tsunami waves that hit the coastal area in the South. We did feel the earthquake where we live (Esther did) even though we were well over a 1,000 miles from the epicenter.
We do have some close friends living in the area that was hit. They were not adversely affected personally from the earthquake, but have been maxed out since in endeavoring to help in whatever way possible, whether helping out in the local hospital, keeping folks in tents in their yard, you name it. It is very taxing to work in a situation like this, to see and smell death on a large scale, to deal with those who are desperate to find their loved ones, etc. Please pray not only for those who have been injured or who have suffered personal loss from this calamity, but also for those faithful servants who are trying to minister to the needs of those who have been traumatized. It is extremely exhausting work.
Esther was able to go south with a team of counselors last week to assist in whatever way possible. She saw firsthand hundreds of "wrapped" bodies laid out amidst a sea of dry ice. The smell of death was horrendous. Her appetite is still greatly curtailed 4 days later. She also was able to sit and listen to one of her friends, who is from that area, who was severely stressed from the many things she had seen and experienced. Those with Esther said that she was ready and willing to do whatever. I (Ron) got to listen to many of her experiences on our shared 8 hour drive home from Bangkok two days ago. As for Esther, she is not really ready to talk with those who have a million questions for her. A situation like this is hard enough to digest, let alone try to explain to those who were far removed from the scene.
We appreciate much your prayers on our behalf. We are fine, although it seems that Esther has come down with a bad case of tonsillitis since her trip south. She still can smell the odors she experienced from time to time. Please be in prayer that God would be glorified through all of this, and that many would come to know Christ. There is no need to send funds to us as there has already been an overwhelming response for those in S. Thailand. You may want to look into ways that you may be of assistance to those in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India. Please choose carefully as to how you give so that any funds you give will be properly designated. Search out a reputable organization that is equipped to handle such a relief effort.
And finally, praise God for the gift of life that you presently experience.
Heavenly related,
Ron & Denise, Esther & Charity
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Turkey beats IMF-backed inflation target for 2004
01-03-2005, 19h15
ANKARA (AFP) - Turkey said inflation in 2004 had been 9.32 percent, well below the 12 percent year-end target set in a strict IMF-backed economic recovery programme and underscoring the country's hard-fought battle against decades of high prices. Cutting chronic inflation is a key element in a 16-billion-dollar stand-by deal Turkey signed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after a severe financial crisis in 2001 plunged the country into its worst recession since World War II. The programme is set to expire in February, becoming the first stand-by deal Turkey has completed after failing on 17 other occasions. Last month Turkey and the IMF agreed on a new three-year arrangement worth 10 billion dollars (7.4 billion euros) to bolster economic recovery. Turkey's inflation was nearly 70 percent when it began implementing the reforms demanded by the IMF. But in what has so far been deemed a success story, the rate was brought down to single digits in June last year for the first time in decades and firmly kept there. The state statistics institute announced that consumer prices rose 0.45 percent in December from the previous month, bringing inflation to 9.32 percent in the past 12 months. Wholesale prices increased by 0.13 percent in December compared to November -- up 13.84 percent over the past 12 months. "We have succeeded in achieving single digits in consumer prices after decades. These figures are historic indicators for the Turkish economy," Economy Minister Ali Babacan said. Both the yearly and monthly increases were well below expectations established in a survey of some 70 economists, bankers and business leaders carried out by the central bank last month. The interviewees predicted that consumer prices would increase by an average of 1.1 percent in December from November, bringing year-end inflation to an average of 10 percent. This was the third time in a row that Turkey has beaten its annual inflation projection. In 2002, the country brought inflation down to 29.7 percent from 68.5 percent in 2001, beating its year-end target of 35 percent. Last year, inflation was cut to 18.4 percent, below the year-end target of 20 percent. Buoyed by the progress, the government launched a major money reform on January 1, slashing six zeroes off its hyperinflated currency and introducing the New Turkish Lira or YTL as it is called here. The reform saved Turkey from the embarrassing record of having the world's largest note in circulation, namely a 20 million Turkish lira bill. One YTL is now worth 0.74 dollars or 0.55 euros. The ant-inflation struggle will also be a principal component of the new arrangement with the IMF, which is expected to be approved by the Fund's executive board early this year. Under the new programme, Turkey is aiming to bring inflation down to eight percent in 2005, five percent in 2006 and four percent in 2007. Despite the spectacular recovery some analysts fear the tide could turn if Ankara eases on spending. But the government has vowed on several occasions that it will not deviate from its tight austerity programme. "We will do our utmost to achieve targets for 2005 and later years, we will not make concessions on our budget and monetray policies and we will achieve the set targets even though there may be small deviations," Babacan said. |
Monday, January 03, 2005
A Hymn of Repentance
We have not known thee as we ought,
Nor learned thy wisdom, grace, and power;
The things of earth have filled our thought,
And trifles of the passing hour.
Lord give us light they truth to see,
And make us wise in knowing thee.
We have not feared thee as we ought,
Nor bowed beneath thine awful eye,
Nor guarded deed, and word, and thought,
Remembering that God was nigh.
Lord give us faith to know thee near,
And grant the grace of holy fear.
We have not loved thee as we ought,
Nor cared that we are loved by thee;
Thy presence we have coldly sought,
And feebly longed thy face to see.
Lord give a pure and loving heart,
To feel and own the love thou art.
We have not serves thee as we ought;
Alas! The duties left undone,
The work with little fervor wrought,
The battles lost, or scarcely won!
Lord give the zeal, and give the might,
For thee to toil, for thee to fight.
When shall we know thee as we ought,
And fear, and love, and serve aright!
When shall we, out of trial brought,
Be perfect in the land of light!
Lord may we day by day prepare,
To see thy face, and serve thee there.
- Thomas Benson Pollock, 1889.
John Kerry learns his lesson?
However, if the choice of President were to come down between him and Hillary I would take Kerry. Let's just pray that such a drastic decision will never arise! :)
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Protestant Proselytizers Eye 10% of Turks
CAIRO, December 31 ( - Protestant missionaries are planning to proselytize some 10 per cent of Turkey's 70 million population by 2020, the Turkish army warned in a report published Friday, December 31.
Up to one million gospels are planned to be distributed among the Turkish people during this period, Turkish daily Zaman reported Friday, citing the “Proselytizing Activities in Turkey and the World” report.
The missionaries are trying to fill the “spiritual void” left by the youths' ignorance about the basic tenets and rituals of Islam, according to the report.
The proselytizers are playing on pitting the Sunnis and the `Alawiyyin against one another to preach about the Christian faith, the report added.
“`Alawiyyin are originally a sect of the Shi`ah called ‘Nusayriyyah’. The Nusayriyyah is a movement that emerged in the third century after Hijrah. They claim that `Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) is God-incarnated.
The Turkish army report further said that the Protestant missionaries intend to establish a religious institute to prepare a generation of theologians in Turkey.
It put at 69 the number of unofficial churches and places of worship related to other communities, including 47 churches for the Protestants, nine for the Baha'is and 13 for Jehovah's Witnesses sect.
The Baha’iyyah is also a Shiite sect that was named after one of its leaders, Husayn Nuri. This faith emerged as a Shiite sect that was led by some Shiites who totally deviated from Islam.
The Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) are members of a worldwide Christian religion who actively share with others their beliefs about God and faith.
They use the Hebrew name of God, commonly rendered Jehovah in English, and embark on visible proselytizing, including personal visits to neighbors, and conducting free home Bible study courses, according to the Wikipedia encyclopedia.
Thousands Proselytized
The report further said that 15,000 Turks have been converted to Christianity, and other sects like Baha’iyyah over the past few years.
Of the converters, 185 Muslims have officially changed their religion to Christianity over the past three years and only one to Judaism, the report added.
No law explicitly prohibits proselytizing or religious conversions in Turkey. Many prosecutors and police, however, regard proselytizing and religious activism with suspicion, especially when such activities are deemed to have political overtones, according to the daily.
Approximately 99 percent of Turkey's population are Muslim, the majority of whom are Sunni.
In addition to the country's Sunni Muslim majority, there are an estimated 5 to 12 million `Alawiyyin, according to the US State Department.
There are several other religious groups, mostly concentrated in Istanbul and other large cities.
While exact membership figures are not available, these include an estimated 65,000 Armenian Orthodox Christians, 25,000 Jews, and 3,000 to 5,000 Greek Orthodox Christians.
These three groups have special legal minority status under the 1923 Lausanne Treaty. There also are approximately 10,000 Baha'is, an estimated 15,000 Syrian Orthodox (Syriac) Christians, 3,000 Protestants, and small, undetermined numbers of Bulgarian, Chaldean, Nestorian, Georgian, Roman Catholic, and Maronite Christians.